5 yoga exercise can lose your belly fat in 60 days.  


Yoga an indian exercise to which were applied all over the world. 

The exercise called yaga can do any one no matter what's his or her age.  

Yoga makes healthier and has loft of asana  to target the particular area or particular muscle. If you did yoga for 2-year daily, then there are the minimum chances to get ill. 

As I said  yoga asana has particular exercise for particular reason or muscle like belly fat. 

We have to understand that you can't loose our fat from particular area so we have to loose our overall body percentage 

Practicing yoga is beneficial both for your mind and body. It creates the best version of you that you have always dreamed of. 

In the situation of lockdown it not possible to go out for jogging or there are all gym also  closedSo in these situation yoga can help you. So start today. 

1)Virabhadrasana Warrior pose 

Just like a warrior torn yourself up with the warrior pose. 
1) Stand straight with your feet together 
2)Stretch your legs apart back and forth 
- Now bent the knees of your front leg and keep the other one parallel to the floor. 
- Raise your hands over head. 
- Hold the pose as much as you can (never stress yourself too much that might end in pain) 
- Now switch the side and repeat it as though.



2) Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana – Bridge pose 

The position Is like its name. To do that pose ,  

1) lie down on your back.  

2)bent the knee and make a hill and close the leg to your hip as possible. (make sure that distance between two knees} 

3)place your hand next to your body, palm must facing the floor. 

4) now lift up your abdomen, hip and chest to upward of your body. And stop there for 10 sec. After that you can increase you time of posture by practice.  

5) posture you made help to reduce the stomach fat and you will feel the stress on that part. 










3) Dhanurasana – Bow pose 

   Follow the below steps for Dhanurasana – Bow pose 

1)first lie down on your stomach, and put your hand next to you. 

2)then take you right leg toward your back and hold it by your right hand, hold it from around outside. 

3) same as to left leg, don’t do at simultaneously. 

4) Then stand on your stomach and hold the position as long you can. 









4) Surya Namaskara – Sun Salutation 

Surya namskar has some steps with different posture. As follows  

1)get in namskar mudra and stretch your arms up and go gently back. 

2) as you exhale go forward and down, touch the ground with your palm. (At beginner stage it will difficult to touch palm to ground, in that case you can bend your knee) 

3)then step your right back as much you can and rest right knee down the floor, stretch toe behind you. 

4) after getting in to that position, look up. Stay at same position for 10 sec. 

5) now get in to push up position do one push up, repeat the position in reverse manner.   






5) dandasana/kumbhakasana or plank pose 

Plank is very good posture for your body specially for your core and back. 

Increases strength of your arms as well as shoulder. 

To do the plank  

1) stand on your knee, go down on your hand , make sure that your wrist under your shoulder. 

2) get your right leg back and after left leg back, try note to look forward, don’t drop your chest down, push your shoulder away our ears. 

3) stay at these  position as long you can. (at least for 30 sec.) 






Essentially if your energy body is balanced and fully activated there can be no physical or psychological ailment in you. It’s simply not possible. I can show you hundreds and thousands of people who walked out of their ailments completely, simply, not by any treatment, simply by bringing a certain balance to the system. There are any number of people, it is not some kind of miraculous thing. It is just a deeper understanding of the system and the system is a miracle, there is no question about that. This is a miracle, isn’t it? No? Yes or no? It’s a phenomenal miracle, isn’t it? So the magic is already there. You just have to play with it right. That’s all. You don’t have to do any extra magic. Already everything is magical, isn’t it so in the existence. Yes or no? Every atom is a magic by itself because we have still not figured anything in its entirety. So, very simple, you don’t have to do any great yoga of twisting yourself upside down and all that.

 Simple things. If you breath right and keep your body in a certain level of balance you will see there is no need to have any kind of ailments. Ailments are of two kinds. One is infectious. Infectious means it’s an invasion from outside., that we have to deal with medicine. For that you must go to the doctor. But over seventy percent of the ailments on the planet are chronic in nature. That means you are producing your own ailments. Self- help this is called (Laughs) because nobody is bothering you; you want to do something to yourself so most over seventy of the ailments are because of self help.

 People are generating ailments from within. And this cannot be cured by any medicine. You can only manage it. You can never cure it. But the very source of making this body is within us. It comes from within. Your heart, liver, kidney everything is manufactured from within. Isn’t it? If you do certain simple things, if you allow, fixing also happens from within and every human being is capable of this. It is just that they have never paid attention to it. Only advantage is, if you go to a doctor, he will do it. These things you must do, that’s the only problem.