So for real man, when I first startedeating high protein, it was like I had just discovered a secret that no oneelse knew. Except the reality was... everyone else knew, and I was justcatching on. Hey, Jim Schultz here for F cubed, and we are inside of the fitness F inside the cube tonight. Soif you're looking to level up your own fitness game, please consider subscribing,tappin that bell, and you will have instant immediate access to all themembership perks. So let's not waste any time man, high protein diet results forfat loss, man. 

Crazy! All the benefits of boneless, skinless chicken breastbursting from your pockets, man, they are too numerous to be in only one segment.In fact, I'm gonna go so far to say tonight that a high protein diet? Itneeds to be the foundation of any fat loss strategy that you're going to takeseriously. So right here, right now, together, as a team, let's go ahead andunpack three reasons, three benefits of high protein for fat loss. And hey, forthose of you that hang with me till the end - that endure with me until the veryend - I'm gonna give you the most delicious high-protein meal that you'veever tasted. That's zero carb and zero fat...and it's not even cardboard. Soreason number one - you want to prevent muscle loss.Now the rationale here is pretty straightforward, right? You're going to belosing fat, so naturally, you're going to be in a caloric deficit.

 But the weightthat you lose? It might not be all fat. It's going to be a combination of fat,water, and muscle. Now of course, we prefer all that weight loss to come from justfat and water primarily but if we're not careful, man, we might end up losing somemuscle - potentially a lot of muscle in the process. This is because your body isgoing to be in a negative energy balance, if you will, and your muscle - thatprecious muscle that you have on your frame - it places very high energy demandson your system. So it would just assume get rid of it and dump all that muscle. Sowhat we need to do is we need to encourage or coax our bodies intomaintaining that muscle, and one of the best ways to do that is to eat enoughprotein. So that's reason number one of a high protein diet for fat loss. Reasonnumber two: satiation. I mean, look man, this one? It couldn't beany simpler or straightforwarder. Of the three macros: protein, carbs, and fats,protein is by far and away the most satiating of the bunch, right? Chicken,fish, steak? They fill you up a lot more than bread or rice or even vegetables,and this is really good, man, because remember: you're getting sliced, you're gettingshredded, so as a result you're gonna be huunnngggngry. 

Reason number three, and lastly,we're gonna call this one "capped fuel sources". So again, think about yourcalories, right? They're gonna be made up of that protein, carbs, and fat ratio.These are the only three components of the foods that you eat. Well I guesstechnically, there's alcohol - the fourth macro - but let's assume no latenight, bourbon benders while you're trying to get shredded.

 By eating a highprotein diet, you're not only going to make your caloric deficit easier toachieve (because there are fewer calories left to hit your carbs and fats goals,those fuel sources) but you're also going to make it easier to adhere to:#satiation, #reason#2. So in the end, what ends up happening isyour fuel sources are sort of capped, there's sort of a ceiling placed on justhow high those guys are going to go, which is good because that's going to benecessary to kick-start the get shredded phase. All right, now, I bet you've got somequestions. Well I do, too. So let's be confused together. Questionnumber one:

 all right, Jim, you a high-protein + low-carb guy,  or ahigh-protein + low-fat guy? Honestly, I kind of like to middle it. I kind of like tohave a little bit from both pots: a little bit of carbs, a little bit of fats.Because just like we talked about in Carb Cycling Macros, uh, Nutzo anyone?Question number two: I realize that this video's about fat loss, but what abouthigh protein for a weight gain? What about a high protein diet for musclegain? Of course! Along with high carbs and high fats. Also known as utopia. Alsoknown as CiCi's. Question number three: all right Jim, don't you hold out on me, bro. We'reat the end of the video. 

What is your go-to, favorite, high-protein meal? Allright, get ready, you write this down. Egg whites...with cinnamon and Splenda. Yousalt your egg whites while they are in the pan. Then you pour the cinnamon andSplenda mixture over the top, just a light dusting, nothing too crazy! And forreal, man, if you just quiet your mind, and you just focus on that visualization? Ittastes exactly like Cinnamon Toast Crunch on a bed of clouds. Well maybe not"exactly" like that, but it's pretty close. So now if this video has motivated youto take the next step in your fat loss journey,hey mosey on down to the description and scoop up the Fat Loss Formula

Man, it'stotally free. You can take your new egg whites, cinnamon, and Splenda recipe? You popit right into the formula? Shredded by Saturday. Hey guys, thank you very muchfor your time your attention. I do not take either of those things lightly. Ifyou want to leave me with a like, a share, or a subscribe, kind of in your wake, man,I would be so so appreciative of that. But coming up next, we're gonna talkabout the Thermic Effect of Food - say what?